Monday, February 25, 2013

This One Goes Out to the One I Love

DH started a new job-- and we've had a lot of conversations about how that would affect his ability to work out and keep rocking the lifestyle.  He's got a thirty minute commute each way, and his hours are going to make it hard train with either me or He-who-trains.  Nevermind that its a radio gig, and that's not known for being the healthiest profession around.  I'll be honest, I've been worried about how this would go.

But last night, I saw him taking ownership.  He didn't get back into town until 7ish--and by time we ate and talked it was 8:30.  We are admittedly different people, but I'll be honest.  I turn into a pumpkin early, and working out definitely would have been nowhere on my radar then. I would've scrapped it and vowed to do better the next day, recognizing that some days are like that.  I was very careful not to sabbotage him and beg him to curl up on the couch with me.  But he said something that both made me very proud and opened my eyes to how serious he is about this.  He said, "What I do tonight will set the pattern for what I do every other night. If I don't tonight, I'll find reasons not to other nights." So he was downstairs working out-- and from the sounds of it, was getting a pretty decent workout.

It's good for us to do this together--not only so one doesn't sabbotage the other-- but so we can be inspired by each other.  I'm inspired by his commitment--and maybe the next time I have a choice like that, maybe I'll remember his hard work.

Speaking of which, we have a date with the gym.  We, the preacher's wife (DH) and I, have a funeral this afternoon-- so we have planned our day so that we could workout this morning.  I guess everyday you get to choose.  You have the opportunity to remind yourself what it is that you really want.

To be healthy, to have bodies that we are comfortable in-- this is what we want.  It's worth it.  And it is definitely easier together.

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